Circle Area Calculator
Use the circle area calculator to calculate the area, diameter, circumference or radius of a circle.
Circle Area Calculator
Circle Area
The length `C` of the circumference (perimeter) of a circle is calculated using the formula:
`C = 2pir`, where `r` is the radius of the circle.
The radius may also be expressed using the diameter so that `2r = d`:
The area `A` left inside the circle is calculated using the formula:

`A=pir^2`, where `r` is the radius of the circle or correspondingly:
`A=pi/4d^2`, where `d` is the diameter of the circle
If the diameter of the circle `d` and the length of the circumference `C` are known, the area can be calculated (without the figure `pi`) using the formula:
`A = Cd/4`
Information About the Circle Area Calculator
Use the circle area calculator to calculate the area, diameter, circumference or radius of a circle.