How long does alcohol stay in your system - Alcohol Metabolism

Roughly one gram of alcohol per ten kilograms of bodyweight is metabolised in one hour in the case of an adult in normal condition.

Alcohol Metabolism

The liver begins to metabolise alcohol in a matter of minutes after it has been absorbed. Alcohol disappears from the body either by breaking down into other substances or by passing from the body as it is. Gender or age has very little impact on the metabolism rate.

Roughly one gram of alcohol per ten kilograms of bodyweight is metabolised in one hour in the case of an adult in normal condition. For example, a man weighing 80 kg metabolises about 8 grams of alcohol in an hour.

Those consuming large amounts of alcohol have a liver that metabolises alcohol more effectively, whereas the metabolism rate decreases due to excessive alcohol use.

Depending on a person's weight and liver condition, one regular unit of alcohol in a restaurant is metabolised in 1.2 - 2.4 hours on average.

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